Rhythm of War by Brandon Sanderson
“This is life, and I will not lie by saying every day will be sunshine. But there will be sunshine again, and that is a very different thing to say. That is truth.”
Been sitting on this for a bit because I couldn’t quite manage to put my thoughts into words. If you allow yourself to experience this universe in its entirety, it is guaranteed to consume you.
I first picked up “Elantris” late October of last year. I was completely swept up by this standalone Epic Fantasy novel, that promised an even greater adventure.
And here we are: 10k+ pages, 12 books, 3 graphic novels, 6 novellas & 3 short stories later. With much more to come.
This book features long awaited reunions, confrontations, realizations and discoveries.
Ever since Oathbringer I’ve been describing Sanderson’s writing as a symphony that comes together masterfully under careful coordination.
I’ve also noticed a conscious effort on the author’s part to include more and more diverse characters. It is always so refreshing to see the spotlight on them, and no self-proclaimed EF Gatekeeper has a leg to stand on when it comes to the Cosmere.
Also. Jasnah fricking Kholin.
Only 2 years and 8 months until TSA5. It’s fine.